A British Bill of Rights:
Over the years, there have been numerous proposals for replacing the Human Rights Act with a UK Bill of Rights (and Responsibilities).
The 2015 Conservative Manifesto promised to scrap the Human Rights Act and introduce British Bill of Rights to scrap European ties and make Supreme Court the ‘ultimate arbiter’.
This has not materialised, likely because there is little to no call for change, but quite a lot of opposition. [1]
The strongest argument in favour of a British Bill of Rights is that it may increase confidence in legal protection of civil rights and liberties against power misuse. [2]
However, this would be at the sacrifice of distancing our rights from European rights label (under ECHR).
[1] Commission on a Bill of Rights, A Second Consultation (July 2012) [2] Commission on a Bill of Rights, A Second Consultation (July 2012)